Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Austy starts swimming lessons...

Despite not having a morning nap prior to the lesson start time of 10am, Austin was keen to jump in, with arms and legs wriggling all over the place as we approached the "big blue bath". I had to hand him to the instructor while I got in myself for fear of him jumping out of my arms and diving in! He is definitely a water baby through and through... who knows, he could be the next Thorpedo... he definitely has big enough feet!

Unfortunately the camera lens was fogged for half the class, so Austy's Dad could only manage to get a few pics of him with a tired grumpy look on his face, when the novelty had worn off and the tiredness set in.

We passed a ball from baby to baby (it was a struggle to make Austy let go and pass it on, but the balls kept coming around the circle so saved us a tanty), snag songs, splashed lots and swam in a floaty ring through a tunnel. Austy also had a ride on a floating mat and we submerged him with the other babies who had been coming for a while. He didn't cry with the submerging but it seemed like forever that he was under and I scooped him through pretty quickly - the instructor said that I needed to slow down or I'd scare him. I tried, but it's hard not to automatically grab your baby when their head is under water. Better luck next time, eh?

Hopefully Austy will wake a little earlier next week so we have time for a morning nap and he will enjoy his swim alot more.

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