Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Austin becomes a BIG cousin!

On Saturday at 12:26pm Austy's newest little cousin Zachary John entered the world, weighing 8lb 1oz. Austy's Aunty Katy was fairing quite well when we visited her and Zac on Sunday morning, despite having a cold and an ear infection as well as having only just given birth less than 24hr earlier. Katy is a tough one, I'll give her that!

Katy was beaming from ear to ear and proudly proclaimed that she dilated all on her own this time without the need for syntocin (like she has had with each of the other three) and as her epidural had worn off by the pushing stage, she pushed without much pain relief after the midwife talked her out of an epidural top up, another thing she was quite proud of, this being her last child for her little family.

Zac was in the neonatal ward, but only as a precaution. He was being given a drip of antibiotics through his arm, just like Austy had as he was "a bit grunty" at birth and they were worried that he had Katy's cold and may also be prone to ear infection. When I saw her though, she was waiting to talk to the doctor, who was going to perhaps let her take him to her room and he could be given the antibiotics there.

Little Zac has a cute little chin, which I think is very similar to Austy's. Other than that he is Katy all over, with short, blonde eyelashes (clashing with his dark brown hair) and her frown!

When Ausy and I got to the hospital, Tom, Alyssa and Jake were there and both the kids rushed over to Austy's pram while I gave my lil sis a big hug, some chocholates and pressies for Zac. Jakey suprised us all saying "Austin!" for the first time, very loud and clear and he blew us both lots of big kisses when he went home with his Dad.

On Austy news, the poor little tacker has a bit of a colkd himself this week, with a nasty cough. Andrew thinks it's from going to two hospitals in one week (also visited Nanna Merit at the Lyall McEwin onThursday evening). So unfortunately we missed swimming yesterday in preference of keeping him home, warm and dry.

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