Friday, June 16, 2006

Austy on the move

Well Austy has finally done it! He rolled from his back onto his tummy all by himself on Monday and has been doing it all week. He will not stay on his back now and prefers to play on his tummy, while he used to only put up with that position for just a minute or two. I think it helped that he had just learned how to "have a rest" (lay his head to the side) when he was on his tummy before he learned to roll, and every time we had helped him to roll we cheered him anyway, so now he rolls and pushes up on his hands looking for a cheer and thinks he's the bees knees.

However not only has he learned to roll, but he also seems to get from A to B seemingly easily with a bit of a commando crawl motion. He won't go up on both knees like Elizabeth does, but does one knee at a time. This morning I turned away for 30 secs to turn on the bath and when I came back to the lounge I found him lying a metre away from the rug I'd left him on! So we think he just didn't want to roll until he could use the new skill to motor around!

He's noticing EVERYTHING at the moment and tries to spin everything now that he knows how to do that. He has spinny things on his aquarium toy on his cot and on the bath seat, which have put the idea into his head along with that red FP key. But Mummy's har does not need spinning... it's also hard to read him books when he tries to spin the pages. Oh well.

This week has seriously flown by, but perhaps because Austy has been a little bit more difficult than usual. He's getting back to a full night's sleep (YAY!) but has been fighting us for day sleeps and being grumpier than normal as a result. I miss how happy he normally is, so hope to sort out those day sleeps again soon too. We managed to get three sleeps in today and I missed mother's group in preference for a sleeping baby, but he still wasn't his normal self this evening and acting very overtired. CYH would tell me it must be a "wonder week" where you wonder what the hell is wrong with them (actually supposed to be a week of lots of growth and mental development but I joke that they tell you it's a wonder week whenever things get a bit difficult). Although, he has been developing alot this week, and really taking an interest in things, and understanding what comes next. We can't keep him out of water, and he screams as soon as we remove him from the bath or take his wash down water away at the end of the night, so I am trying to prepare him for it by telling him "last splash" before he is taken away from water. Works for the bath, but not after wash down. Thought the house was going to collapse tonight with the tantrum he threw when I tipped out his water bucket! Oh well, he'll learn, there's more water again tomorrow.

I have also been a bit snap happy this week as a few of the mothers I know helped me to work out how to take better pictures with the digital camera. I have been practising heaps and Austy (of course) is my favourite and spunkiest subject (sorry Andrew!). So now we have so many photos of Austy at 6m. I have posted a few of my favourites in the album, but also a couple here for those who can't see the album.

Okay, time for bed, and time to get out of this baby spew jumper...

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