Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Photo and 12 month stats

Just a quick one today. I thought I'd share Austy's first Santa photo with you all - it isn't the best as the 1.25hr line up at DJ's (despite getting there early) meant Austy was overdue for his morning sleep by the time we got through, and then he was terrified of Santa, clinging to my neck with his feet digging into my ribs like one of those clip on koalas you find at souvenier shops! It was all we could do to spin him around and get him to look at the camera, so unfortunately you get to see my ugly mug too!

I thought this wouild be a great place to put Austy's 12m stats too, before I forget them...

Height: 82cm (98th percentile - one tall boyo)
Weight: 11.4kgs (gone down a bit - now he's just under 90th percentiel - must be all that movin' and groovin' he's been doing!)

Vocabulary: (all the words i can think of at the moment - there's probably more)
gongongong (gone)
diega (tiger)
burbees (birdies)
turtur or turdooo (turtle)
shoua (shower)
baa (bath)
bor (ball)
tuk (truck)
bus (bus)
car (car)
picka (peekaboo)
boo (boo)
growls like a tiger
oo oo ooh like a monkey
kookookook like a kookaburra
gurgle like a magpie
meows like a cat

Newest tricks:
Blowing raspberies on the back of his arm and giggling
Squishing his face up against every glass surface he sees and giigling
Actions to open shut them song (giggling!)
Walking really fast while pushing his car or holding our hands
Climbing stairs (Elizabeth showed him -aaaargh! Thanks Lizzie!)
Again - probably more but I can't think of them at the moment.

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