Friday, September 15, 2006

We're BA-ACK!

Our trip to Sydney went really well, and Austy travelled much better than we could have ever expected. He slept for half of the plane trip there and played for the other half. On the way home he slept at the airport while we waited for the plane, and was full of beans for the flight, even managing to sit in a seat of his own for part of the trip as the plane wasn't full.

We took Austin on many an adventure, his first ferry ride, bus ride, train ride, even his first cable car ride up to Taronga Zoo! He loved the zoo and was capttivated by all of the animals that he has seen many times in picture books and in his bedroom, especially the girraffes and meerkats. He also had a ball watching the young snow leopards at play, leaping and pouncing on each other, as he really does have a thing for cats, and I'm sure he was thinking how great it would be to pull tails that big and fluffy!

We also had a day at Bondi Beach, although it was too cold for a swim, but Austin was amazed at the waves all the same. We went through the Sydney Aquarium again, because I wanted to show Austin and see what new exhibits there were since the last time we went was 6 yrs ago. Needless to say Austin loved it, and has come home with an even keener interest in Siegfred the turtle who lives in our dining room.

Austin was great the whole time, despite still being a bit sick with the cough left over from his croup. He got a bit sick of the pram at times, but I think I would be too the amount of time he spent in it. Luckily I had the sling with me and he slept in that a few times while we were out walking. While we were at the apartment he learned to sit up on his own (ie. go from crawling to sitting by himself) and now claps for himself every time he does it! He still isn't crawling properly, but will crawl on his knees for the first few strides before flopping down to his tummy. He has also learned to pull himself up into a stand, and was becoming an expert at opening and closing the sliding doors that separated the rooms at our apartment.

He settled into sleeping in the portacot really well and the trip didn't seem to affect his sleeping habits at all, although he did go for about 4 days eating absolutely no solids whatsoever and then another 5 eating just a couple of spoons at each meal. He just doesn't seem interested in food at all at the moment, only milk, which he won't take from a bottle, so I'm not looking forward to a hungry boy waking several times at night when I go back to work in just over a month and take his milk jugs with me!

Anyway, after that successful and enjoyable break to Sydney (even if it did rain for the last 4 days of it!) we are already planning our next family holiday!

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